Saturday, April 5, 2014

Focus on Life 2014 - Week 14 - Frozen Moments

This month we are doing moments frozen in me that is memories....wonderful, sweet memories.

Today though she wants us to post about our morning this point in my bottles, no 3am feedings, no getting the kids off to school, just relaxing and waking up with my coffee!  I love it, and if something disrupts my morning routine, well,  I can get

While I drink my coffee, I do my morning devotions, then on to emails, facebook, etc. I also get to look out my window at the wildlife vying for my attention. This morning...I am being "told" the feeder is empty.....As soon as the dew dries up more I will go out and refill the feeder and put more corn out for the squirrels....such a life....I love it!

For more great morning pictures, check out the links below.....


  1. Coffee and tea seem to be a prominent feature of a lot of our morning routines, And yes, I can get crabby when I don't get mine too. *smile*

  2. That shot of coffee in the morning, it does get us going... I love to catch the wildlife in the act in the morning, too.

    1. I get quite a treat watching the birds and squirrel out of my window. So carefree....and full of energy!

  3. Hey, that creamer looks delicious! And I'm sure the little critters appreciate you supplying their feeder.

    1. Oh I have to have my creamer...I have a couple I choose from, though my fav is chocolate!!!! And yes, when the feeder is empty, they let me

  4. I too have quiet mornings. I always fill the bird feeders when I am at my Mom's with all this snow she can't do it herself and she enjoys watching the birds.

    1. Yes, my dad got me hooked on watching the birdfeeder. He had one at his house and I would fill each morning when I went down. It is such fun to watch!

  5. Our mornings sound very similar. And I can get crabby when the routine is messed up too!
