Friday, November 21, 2014

Well somehow I have missed almost all of November so I decided to put together pictures for the words I missed...enjoy!

For the month of November there will be WORD PROMPTS to look deep into your being and reflect on being positive!  

Week 45: Grateful

Grateful :filled to the brim with feeling the appreciation of kindness;
Don't stress, some times its as simple as a quiet cup of coffee on the morning drive to work.  

I am grateful for my two granddaughters and the wonderful parents they have. 

Week 46: Faith(ful)
:loyal, constant, and steadfast.
:having a strong belief 
The toughest thing to do sometimes is have faith.  Faith in yourself, your path in this big crazy world.  We get so down on ourselves and its tough to climb out of the hole.  This week we will focus on being full of faith and  happy with our everyday lives.  

I am faithful to attend my church, First Baptist of Lake Rousseau where my cup is filled each week. 

 Week 47: Hope(ful)
feeling or inspiring optimism about a future even
:a person likely or hoping to succeed
What object, person or place signifies hope for you?

I am hopeful that my son will finish college.....he is working hard and I am proud of him!

So there you have it for the last three weeks. Hope you enjoyed the pictures.

Til next week....hopefully......