Sunday, July 27, 2014

Focus On Life- Week 30 - 2014 - Celebrate - YOU

Wow....celebrate me....this one really left me in a quandary...I know we as women tend to think of ourselves last, which is what causes more sickness, and illness, (I think) to over come us. We are so busy thinking of others, and what we need to do, get accomplished, that we forget ourselves...

So I figured what better way to celebrate myself than the people and things that mean the most to me!

You've seen them before, my family and my jewelry....if I were to go to meet the Lord tonight, this is what I would want to be remembered as.....Wife, Mom, Grandma, jewelry designer and ME!

For more hop over to the others listed below!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Focus On Life 2014 - Week 29 - Celebrate - Sweetness

Wow, almost missed this one.....really need to put my calendar where I can see it better.

Sweetness...sugar, candy, family moments, family pictures....lets see what I got......

Granddaughter #1, great niece, cousin 3 times removed, great nephew, great niece, and granddaughter #2..

Now how is this for sweetness.....

For more sweetness check out the other links below.....

Friday, July 11, 2014

Focus On Life Week 27 & 28 - Celebrate!

Well with all the festivities last weekend, I didn't get the chance to here is my post for Week 27, celebration. It is a german chocolate with cream cheese/maple syrup icing, topped with crumpled bacon!

My son wanted it for his birthday in May so I made it...Wasn't bad!

Then for Week 28 - Celebrate the season - to me it is green growing things and those are in my gardens...

I love my gardens...though I see with all the rain we have had...I need to do a bit of

Hope you enjoyed your time with me...til next week...."Celebrate, Celebrate, Dance to the music......"