Saturday, March 29, 2014

Focus On Life 2014 - Week 13 - Eye Level

Well this weeks challenge was one of the easiest for me.  I have a window that I look out of all the time to watch the birds and squirrels play in my yard. I have a bird feeder that the squirrels just love to try and climb and get around the baffle I have there to deter them.   It is funny to watch.  Then the birds I have come to the feeder, I have Bluejays, Cardinals, sparrows, doves, Redbellied wood peckers, american goldfinch, black crested titmouse, black capped chickadee,warblers,brown thrashers, and I have seen hummingbirds in my garden.  I also get crows, and ibis in the yard on occasion.  So it can be quite a site out of my window.  Some days it seems like they are lining up at the feeder.  It is funny as there is a pecking order....if the woodpecker is there he is first on the totem pole, then the bluejays and cardinals, then the smaller is really fun to watch.  Sometime the crows and the squirrels get into little matches to see who can grab what from the squirrel feeder I have around the tree on the

For more great sights head over to the links below..

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Focus on Life - Week 12 - Expressions

Well...since I have been working I haven't had as much time to get out and get some really good pictures, and even though I work at Walmart...................I don't think they would like me taking pictures....SOOOOO...I hit up my friends and family on Facebook and added some from my stash.  They are my kids, grandkids, nephew and his wife( with mouth piercing), daughter in law, soon to be son in law and his mom....and well just quite the! And while you are at it check out the others listed below....(good thing we don't have webcams..................)

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Focus On Life 2014 - Week 10 & 11 - Checking Out

Well....I don't know where the days have gone...but they were meandering they are RUNNING by and I am having a time keeping up.  Plus last week I had to cover extra shifts since my boss had to be out of town for a funeral.  So by the time I got home, rest was the only thing on my mind.

But for week 10, THE BIG PICTURE, I am showing the tree across the street from me that I watch move through the seasons. It was a foggy morning here, hence, the "veil". I really enjoy watching this tree as I see it from my kitchen window and I love watching it bloom in spring, then full growth during the summer, the losing of the leaves in fall, and the stark branches in winter.  If I were to get close you would be able to see the tiny leaves and such starting to grow.

For week 11 - BEAUTY ALL AROUND, I didn't really have anything current that was beautiful as in a sunset and such. But I had taken a picture of this sign that is close to my house. I see it just about every time I leave the house and turn west on the main street.  I know it isn't awe inspiring in beauty, but it does always catch my eye and it does make me 'THINK'!

I hope you have enjoyed my catching up and getting my "beauty" posted. For more beauty check out the links below.  And hopefully, I can keep on track.  Or at least I will always "think" about it!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Focus On Life - Week 9: Macro Photo

Well, another month is here....I guess time is marching on....(no pun intended...heheheheh).  Anyway, here in Fl we are starting to see a bit of spring, my nose and eyes can attest to that fact.  Had to get some stronger Allergy med.............but Sally has asked for us to get up close and personal with the outside...not a problem with me, most of my pictures are of outside, if not of jewelry.  So here is my offering for this weeks challenge!

I have this hibiscus plant right out side my kitchen window and it has produced ALL winter long and still is.  I love looking out and seeing 2 or 3 flowers bouncing around in the wind. I could have gotten closer, but you would not have seen it in all its glory.

For more great Macro's check out the links below.