Saturday, March 29, 2014

Focus On Life 2014 - Week 13 - Eye Level

Well this weeks challenge was one of the easiest for me.  I have a window that I look out of all the time to watch the birds and squirrels play in my yard. I have a bird feeder that the squirrels just love to try and climb and get around the baffle I have there to deter them.   It is funny to watch.  Then the birds I have come to the feeder, I have Bluejays, Cardinals, sparrows, doves, Redbellied wood peckers, american goldfinch, black crested titmouse, black capped chickadee,warblers,brown thrashers, and I have seen hummingbirds in my garden.  I also get crows, and ibis in the yard on occasion.  So it can be quite a site out of my window.  Some days it seems like they are lining up at the feeder.  It is funny as there is a pecking order....if the woodpecker is there he is first on the totem pole, then the bluejays and cardinals, then the smaller is really fun to watch.  Sometime the crows and the squirrels get into little matches to see who can grab what from the squirrel feeder I have around the tree on the

For more great sights head over to the links below..


  1. Squirrels are such acrobats - I wonder if that is were Cirque de Soleil gets half of their moves

  2. It looks like a great spot to see nature. If you want to really see the squirrels have a time put some cooking spray on the pole.

  3. How fun to watch the wildlife out your window. You have a lovely view.

  4. Great choice! I love to photograph birds, and they love to fly away just in time!

  5. I could sit and watch the birds and the squirrels all day! I wouldn't get anything done if I was looking at your view!

  6. I'd love to watch all the animal activity out your window, too - sounds like quite the little 'gathering-hub' for them!
