Saturday, April 26, 2014

Focus On Life 2014 - Week 17 - Evening Moments

Well this week's post will be a little short as I had eye lid lift surgery and it is still a little hard to focus with the swelling. Though I can say I am feeling pretty good today. The surgery was Thursday. I laid around all day Thursday and Friday so today I am feeling pretty good. Just being care so I don't over do it.

My end of the day is pretty much the same. I am either watching tv, reading or beading.  And of course I don't have any pics of I do have a dog that doesn't know she is a dog that when she goes down for the night, likes to be bundled up!  Of course she doesn't stay that way, but that is the way she starts out.

For more adorable pictures of end of the day check the links below. Til next week!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Focus on Life 2014 - Week 16 - Best Captured In Black And White

Well this week is all about black and white...most of us know the song of the 70's by Three Dog Night - "Black and White" and it really fits in well here.  But I am sure that is not what Sally meant.

I don't have no where near as cute a picture as Sally, but mine is different.  Last week we had a pretty good rain storm come through during the night and the next day when I went to get in my car, the sand under it looked like my pictures. Honest, I didn't have to use a bw filter or "Picasa" it..... Not knowing at the time we had "black and white" coming up, I took the pictures as I am always on the lookout for really cool designs and these fit the ticket.

So enjoy my "sand art" then jump over and see the other great "black and white" works of art.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Focus On Life 2014 - Week 15 - A Moment of Focus

This week our wonder host and mentor Sally Russick has challenged us to get a moment of focus.  Her sample is her dog with its head under the couch. But the picture is really up close and personal.

Funny think about her picture, my dog always seems to sleep with her head UNDER something..... the bed, the couch, the night stand, the coffee table....I guess they need the

Since I am in the down hill slide of tax season, I haven't really taken any pictures, BUT, I did get a chance to get outside last Sat and do a bit of yard work.  I have what I call my cactus garden, but that is because it has one large pan cactus in the center.  I was working around it and notice a gecko on one of the branches sunning it self, so I sneaked back in the house and grabbed my camera and came back out and took some shot of him.  He didn't seem to be overly concerned I was I snapped away.  He almost looks like he was posing for me.

He seems so content......wish I could just lay out in the

For more great moments in focus check out the links below.

Til next week.....

God Blessings!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Focus on Life 2014 - Week 14 - Frozen Moments

This month we are doing moments frozen in me that is memories....wonderful, sweet memories.

Today though she wants us to post about our morning this point in my bottles, no 3am feedings, no getting the kids off to school, just relaxing and waking up with my coffee!  I love it, and if something disrupts my morning routine, well,  I can get

While I drink my coffee, I do my morning devotions, then on to emails, facebook, etc. I also get to look out my window at the wildlife vying for my attention. This morning...I am being "told" the feeder is empty.....As soon as the dew dries up more I will go out and refill the feeder and put more corn out for the squirrels....such a life....I love it!

For more great morning pictures, check out the links below.....