Saturday, February 22, 2014

Focus On Life - Week 8: Cabin Fever - Capture Color

Color....not this week here....been rainy the past couple of days....did have a couple days of sunshine...but nothing is really blooming I decided to pull from last spring and throw out some colors....a couple I played with in Picasa and changed the colors around....but they are bright and cheery and I know so many of us need that right now with all the bad weather we have had to endure...

So I give you my offering of color:

For more great shots of color visit the links below....til next week....

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Focus on Life 2014 - Week 7 - Cabin Fever - Collage of Love

Well, I missed last week...I didn't think it would be so hard, but it was the 1st anniversary of my mothers passing. In fact I missed the same week in 2013. But I made it through...they say the first is always the hardest...and it was. I know time heals so I will be patient.

But this week is all about love.  I did a collage of the ones I love that are still here.  My husband (front and center), my children, ( the girl with red hair at top, and the guys on the right and bottom) my daughter in law pictured with my son on the bottom and my two granddaughters...(left side of pic).  My husband and I are going out for breakfast this morning to celebrate Valentines as I was feeling bad yesterday.  Fighting a cold or sinuses...not sure which...though the pollen here in Fl is car is covered in it even after raining last night.

Anyway....I hope everyone else had a good Valentines and had lots of love.  With all the cold weather I am sure there was some snuggling to keep warm. So spread those love vibes.

For more loving...check out the links below and until next week....Hugs and Kisses!!!!!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Focus On Life 2014 - Week 5 - Cabin Fever

While I know what cabin fever is...I can say....I haven't had it THIS week.... I work for Jackson Hewitt Tax Service here in my little corner of the world in Florida and I have been hopping.  I am off today and hope to get around to the different blogs. (And as a side theft is on the rise.....even if you don't usually file taxes or are not getting anything back...file!  This way thieves cannot get hold of your identity as easily.  We are getting warning from our corporate office to check, check, check people's ID to make sure who is filing is who is on the paperwork.  Better to be safe than sorry!!!!!)

BUT...of course we haven't had any snow or frigid weather like I have seen on the TV and in the posts from family and friends I have scattered around the US.  While I like snow....I will say I am glad I am in Florida right now.

But even in Florida we get cold temps...and with it FOG. Fog can be dense and ugly to drive in but I took Sally's advice and just stepped out my front door and snapped some pictures.  There are ones looking through the screens where the water is "running" down the screen, I have one where you can see what look like little white caps in the yard, but they are spider webs with dew. Then close up of my plants, "green" that are wet from the fog, and then some long range views showing the fog.  The one with the tree by its self is a tree across the street from me.

So while we don't have snow...we have do have fog and I hope you enjoyed my little show from my part of the world....for more great shots, check out the links below.

And tell next, click, click...that camera!