Friday, August 22, 2014

Focus On Life - Week 34: About the Ground

Well...I made it on time...whoot, whoot.....

Of course here in Florida, the ONLY thing outside on my ground are ANTS, ANTS, AND MORE ANTS....and some fleas...

So I decided to post some OTHER pictures that have been taken in my yard over the past several months...They include, THE GRASS, bugs, flowers, a bird, a Gopher Turtle, spiderwebs with dew on them, and the black and white is the ground in my front yard after a rainstorm.

So this is what is in my yard when there are NO

For more great "About the Ground" shots...check out the links below!
And thanks for looking!


  1. Oh my - what a great collage! Is that a real turtle or a lawn ornament? The shell is so pretty. Hope your ants go away soon!

  2. Love your collage! Your other visitors look more likable than ants!

  3. A great collage - though I confess I didn't look too closely at the creepy crawlies...

  4. We have lots of ants here too... the only fleas are the ones my cats bring in so that they can then bite my ankles!

  5. I can take the ants an you can keep the spiders! This is a great look at the things on the ground.

  6. Super Collage!! We've got tons of ants too and I can't stand them either - especially because they bite my feet/ankles all the time!!

  7. Great collage of what is on the ground, that's quite a variety of ground inhabitants!
