Sunday, July 27, 2014

Focus On Life- Week 30 - 2014 - Celebrate - YOU

Wow....celebrate me....this one really left me in a quandary...I know we as women tend to think of ourselves last, which is what causes more sickness, and illness, (I think) to over come us. We are so busy thinking of others, and what we need to do, get accomplished, that we forget ourselves...

So I figured what better way to celebrate myself than the people and things that mean the most to me!

You've seen them before, my family and my jewelry....if I were to go to meet the Lord tonight, this is what I would want to be remembered as.....Wife, Mom, Grandma, jewelry designer and ME!

For more hop over to the others listed below!

1 comment:

  1. Your children, family and your jewelry are absolutely beautiful and what a beautiful celebration of YOU!! Wonderful post!
