Friday, July 11, 2014

Focus On Life Week 27 & 28 - Celebrate!

Well with all the festivities last weekend, I didn't get the chance to here is my post for Week 27, celebration. It is a german chocolate with cream cheese/maple syrup icing, topped with crumpled bacon!

My son wanted it for his birthday in May so I made it...Wasn't bad!

Then for Week 28 - Celebrate the season - to me it is green growing things and those are in my gardens...

I love my gardens...though I see with all the rain we have had...I need to do a bit of

Hope you enjoyed your time with me...til next week...."Celebrate, Celebrate, Dance to the music......"


  1. My heavens! That cake is surely a celebration! The weather here has been all wonky too. Very, very hot and much too early for this level of heat. We usually don't see it until August. Very strange

  2. In spite pf 4 inches of rain from the hurricane last weekend everything is once again very dry! Not sure about that cake will believe you when you say it's good though :)

  3. Oh my gosh! Look at that cake - I will take your word for it that it's tasty! (it actually does look yummy). And the gardens,...gotta love those in the summer!

  4. The cake looks delicious. I am sure your son enjoyed it.

  5. That cake looks yummy! I bet it was gone in a flash. I have lots of weeds and having a hard time keeping up with them. They grow faster than the flowers!

  6. I think I gained five pounds just looking at your cake. I have never heard of bacon on top but it seems I am seeing bacon with all kinds of things these days. Wow! It's good that you accompanied it with your fresh garden goodness!

  7. I would definitely try that cake! Then I would have to do some weeding to work it off, lol.

  8. Weeds seem to appear overnight in my garden! Just calling by to thankyou for your recent comment on my photo blog which was much appreciated.
